About Us

Unlock Surveys

Originally launched in 2009 under Springboard America and relaunched in 2024 as Unlock Surveys, we are a leading online market research panels in the United States, giving Americans the opportunity to voice their opinions on a variety of topics and issues.
We partner with reputable organizations including household brands, government bodies, not-for-profit organizations, and the media to help them better understand their customers and stakeholders, and to ensure they take the views of ordinary Americans into account. For each survey in which members take part, their answers are collected along with those of fellow Unlock Surveys members and the results are analyzed by our research experts before being presented to our clients or released to the media.
Our team is tirelessly focused on providing reliable global data connections for brands, agencies, and market research. We create value for our clients by connecting them with expertly profiled known respondents. The result? Reliable, reproducible insights. We deliver instant access to the general population, specific markets, and your or your competitor’s customers.
Today, as part of the Stagwell Marketing Cloud, we continue to provide reliable global data connections for agencies, brands, and market research firms coupled with a dedication to bringing the latest in technological advancements and research methodologies to the Unlock Community.

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